Corporate IQ & EQ: tip 2
Be transparent in your intentions and receive and offer feedback without criticism or any other judgment.
To stimulate the open exchange of information, create a basis of trust in each other. Set an example by offering information about your positive intentions: what you want/expect from the relationship and what you are offering yourself.
When there is a fear for repercussions it shuts down open communication. It creates an atmosphere filled with untruths or partial truths to create a smoke screen that prevents clarity on what is really going on. It is not that people do not want to be accountable, but people hate to be blamed for something they only had a partial say in and when they had no control over the outcome. When they do not expect a fair process they may hoard and distort information. A mistake requires correction. Blame only creates resentment and very little learning opportunity other then to realise that it doesn’t pay to speak up and be honest.
So instead, stay focused on the outcome you are looking for and enlist the support you need to get there together. If there seems to be an obstacle, inquire what it would take to overcome this. Allow others to participate, contribute and inform them how you have come to a decision. Include them when you evaluate the results and allow their input to make improvements. Doing so builds trust, stimulates collaboration and improves the desired outcome. People are happy when they have been able to contribute to a positive result and take pride in being part of team achievement.