Mediator II
Founder of this methodology called Nonviolent Communication (NVC), is the American clinical psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (see His philosophy has spread worldwide over the last 30 years and is successfully applied in conflict situations. It is perceived as stress and anxiety reducing by clients and practitioners while also promoting mutual understanding and collaboration. This training advances the foundational work of NVC with the most recent research and insights in psychology and relationships.
Participants who have successfully completed Nonviolence and Mediation I are welcome to participate in the 6-day training Nonviolence and Mediation II. This hands-on training is offered to mediators and those who in an official capacity work with conflict and want to develop, broaden and deepen their empathic skills in order to support the creation of sustainable solutions.
In this training we’ll look at specific topics that come up in mediation and we will look at the implications that this has for applying what you learned in Nonviolence and Mediation I. This 6-day training is held over the period of approximately 9 months, which will give you ample time for integration. You will be asked to prepare for each training day so that our time in the training can be used efficiently. You also are invited to collaborate in practice groups outside of the training hours. Understanding one’s own emotional experience and those of clients is an essential part of the core skill that makes a skilled mediator. Using the specific topics each training day you will broaden your skills in addressing these special situations. To help your clients effectively, personal growth in the areas of emotional awareness, self-regulation, relational and communication skills is required. We will also address issues of transference, countertransference and contaminating a mediation. Download the brochure here.
Specific topics we’ll look at are:
DAY 1 Intimate relationships
• Relationship types
• Power differences
• Intimacy, energy and dynamism
• Co-dependent behaviour and self-esteem
• Communication and active listening
DAY 2 Dealing with anger
• Recognizing anger
• Understanding anger
• Expressing anger
• Being able to hear anger.
• Conflict management
• Violence.
DAY 3 Feedback
• The purpose of feedback
• Elements of feedback
• Forms of feedback
• Feedback and empathy
• Paraphrasing
DAY 4 Empathy and self-empathy
• Empathy and the role of the mediator
• Impartial or omni-partial
• Self-esteem and empathy
• Empathic burnout
• Self-empathy and taking responsibility
• Sacrifice
DAY 5 Trauma
• Trauma and characteristics of trauma (pathology)
• Handling and support and care for traumatized clients
• Identifying the conflict and conflict environment
• Contact with the environment and the relationship with the client(s)
• The impact of the trauma on the lives of those affected and involved
DAY 6 Appreciation
• What is appreciation
• How do you express appreciation
• Punishment and reward
• Appreciation gone sideways: manipulation
• Disempowering appreciation
• Appreciation that creates trust and brings people together
1. Knowledge of the Nonviolent Mediation process.
• The model of four steps (observation, feeling, needs, request) and empathic consciousness.
• Overcoming complications in a mediation (confusion caused by the failure to recognize the difference between observation and interpretation, feelings and thoughts, needs and strategy, request and demand).
• Mediation Skills (being able to identify facts, correctly identifying feelings and needs, interpreting judgments, motivating participants, promote understanding and self-responsibility, dealing with emotions, active listening).
2. The use of the Nonviolent
Mediation process and applying the skills in a mediation.
This is a hands-on training. Although we will discuss the theory the main focus is work experience oriented. You will be invited to apply Nonviolent Mediation on your own case histories and you will deepen your understanding by working with others in your group.
The training starts at 10 am and ends at 5 pm.
This training has been accredited by the Mediators federatie Nederland (MfN) Participants in this training qualify for 38 PE points cat. 1A in the MfN accreditation system.
Your trainer is Mr. Govert van Ginkel LL.M. He held various legal positions in consulting and management roles over the past 25 years in which he advised and helped mediate labour disputes, and coached and trained CEO’s and other executives.
* The content of the Advanced Training is the same as the Nonviolence and Mediation II training. All participants are given the same high standard of training. On occasion this may mean that these trainings will be merged. Mediators will receive the correct amount of accredited PE points.
€ 975,- (6 days includes, coffee, tea, manual & 1 hour intervision).
€ 1175,- (6 days includes coffee, tea, manual & 1 hour intervison).
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This training is exempt from Dutch sales tax.
Prices in N-America as advertised on the web.
Training / Workshop dates
* All dates are subject to change and will be confirmed on registration. Unless indicated otherwise training times are daily from 10am – 5pm.