Training summary

Mediator I


Helping people find meaning in a conflict may be the hardest and most rewarding work you can do. This requires skill and understanding of communication, as “meaning” tends to be one of the first things that is lost. To be able to help clients separate the description of an act from the meaning they perceive is one of the first steps in helping participants hear the significance that this has. Desired outcomes change when people understand how each of the participants in the conflict was impacted by what occurred. Conflict can become an opportunity for new skills and better outcomes and a catalyst for participants to discover their own resources to accomplish their goals. Empathizing with unmet needs and emphasizing strengths and solutions will create focus on positive change.

This hands-on 5 day training is offered to mediators who want to develop, broaden and deepen their empathic skills in order to support the creation of sustainable solutions in any conflict. In this intensive five-day training you will explore the meaning of language, states of consciousness and learn to use the mediation process as developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Besides registered mediators, anyone who works in a professional capacity in which they regularly deal with conflict can benefit greatly by participating in this training and is welcome to register. To download the brochure click here.


In this training you will become aware of the impact that language has on relationships and you will develop skills that will help you to increase your ability to have a positive influence on the course of conflict and the people who experience it. Authenticity, integrity and responsibility are important elements in this process. As a mediator you are a role model for those engaged in a conflict. The way in which you communicate directly affects how stake holders conduct themselves and may determine the outcome of the mediation process.

Crucial elements in this process:
• Accurate observation
• Identifying emotional states
• Values ​​and needs underpinning the issue
• Formulating a request to prompt action

The significance of communication is the first thing that is lost in a conflict. The Nonviolent Mediation process restores meaning to the communication between participants in a conflict and often requires an active role of the mediator as interpreter. In this sense this process can be considered to be a form of Transformative Mediation. The skills of the mediator to identify the underlying positive meaning of messages in a conflict restores mutual understanding, trust in the relationship and accelerates the progress of the mediation. Conflicting points of view dissolve while a willingness to find a satisfactory solution for all will emerge. This makes sustainable results possible.

During the training we will also take a closer look at your role as mediator. How to stay present to your own needs as well as support participants in a conflict is a key factor in creating a successful outcome.


  1. Knowledge of the Nonviolent Mediation process.
  • The model of four steps (observation, feeling, needs, request) and empathic consciousness.
  • Overcoming complications in a mediation (confusion caused by the failure to recognize the difference between observation and interpretation, feelings and thoughts, needs and strategy, request and demand).
  • Mediation Skills (being able to identify facts, correctly identifying feelings and needs, interpreting judgments, motivating participants, promote understanding and self-responsibility, dealing with emotions, active listening).
  1. The use of the Nonviolent Mediation process and applying the skills in a mediation.


This is a hands-on training. Although we will also discuss the theory, the main focus is oriented on work experience. You will be invited to apply Nonviolent Mediation on your own case histories and you will deepen your understanding by working with others in your group.


The training starts at 10 am and ends at 5 pm.


This training has been accredited by the Mediators federatie Nederland (MfN). Participants in this training qualify for 30 PE points cat. 1A in the MfN accreditation system.


Participants who have successfully completed Nonviolence and Mediation I are welcome to participate in the six-day training Nonviolence and Mediation II (MfN 38 PE points cat 1A).


Your trainer is Mr. Govert van Ginkel LL.M. He held various legal positions in consulting and management roles over the past 25 years in which he advised and helped mediate labour disputes, and coached and trained CEO’s and other executives.

* The content of the Basic Training is the same as the Nonviolence and Mediation 
I training. All participants are given the same high standard of training. On occasion this may mean that these trainings will be merged for 4 days while mediators will receive a separate 5th day targeting specific mediation skills. Mediators will receive the correct amount of accredited PE points.


€ 825,- (5 days including coffee, tea, manual, 1 hour intervision).
€ 995,- (5 days including coffee, tea, manual).
Request a quote

This training is exempt from Dutch sales tax.
Prices in N-America as advertised on the web.


Training / Workshop dates

* All dates are subject to change and will be confirmed on registration. Unless indicated otherwise training times are daily from 10am – 5pm.