Creating a Compassionate Work Culture in For-profit Business
The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has become accepted as equally or even more important than IQ for our success in business. Greater understanding, collaboration and respect between colleagues certainly contribute to achieving a healthy atmosphere in the office. To implement this understanding in a for-profit work environment, however, is a question of a different order. It often is not that the will to change is lacking, but that we are struggling with a formed habit and mindset that keeps us from acting accordingly.
In this workshop, I will share with you what we need to do in order to create a more collaborative and compassionate workplace, a workplace that is pleasurable to experience. I will show you how we can put more “soul into our role” using restorative values.
The purpose of this 2 hour workshop is to get more insight into our own communication skills and behaviors as well as that of others, and how these impact our relationships and collaboration. By putting empathic attitudes into practice I will demonstrate that relationships are improved and strengthened, which in turn will result in an increased willingness for cooperation. This will be an interactive session with practical exercises.
Skills and concepts: Developing active listening skills to identify corporate needs, find common ground for collaboration, using your influence to inspire a positive attitude and further corporate goals.
In the province of Alberta your business may be eligible for a government job grant for this vocational training.
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Training / Workshop dates
* All dates are subject to change and will be confirmed on registration. Unless indicated otherwise training times are daily from 10am – 5pm.
25 Oct
Creating a Collaborative and Compassionate Work Culture in For-profit Business
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
Register through IIRP for the Conference 9 – 10.40 am IIRP